Buy me an espresso

January 22, 2008

6389, 7076, and 6482 errors flooding in ...

Don't be surprised if you wake up one morning to a hot cup of 6482s with a side of 7076s and 6389s. They are related to threading and the SharePoint Timer Service.

"Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt."

Up until recently, the only deterrent for these errors was to either 1) restart the Timer Server on a schedule, 2) reboot the server every other day, or 3) the 923028 hotfix. Of course, those are not solutions.

Six months later, Microsoft to the rescue! Microsoft always reminds me of the "drunken" (off red kryptonite) Superman in Superman 3. You know, when he had the 5 o'clock shadow and showed up like 2 hours late ... yeah.

Microsoft just released a hotfix (946517) for these errors ... it worked for us ... good luck!

NOTE: As of 2/4/08 ... you will have to contact MS Support directly to get the hotfix!